Home gardening is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can have. It's a way to grow your own food and bring the fresh produce into the kitchen. But if you're not careful, home gardening can be more difficult than it needs to be.
Gardening can be a great hobby or even a side gig. But it doesn't have to be hard work, especially if you know the right tricks. Some of these hacks may seem too simple to work, but they're proven over time and make gardening easier than ever before.
Plant fall-blooming flowers to extend your season. By planting more plants in your garden and including them on your list of what to grow, you can enjoy longer blooms for less time spent waiting for warm weather.
Use floating fabric instead of mulch to keep weeds at bay and improve soil quality. Floating fabric has a tendency to hold soil in place so that it's not blown away by wind or water from raindrops or sprinklers. It also keeps weeds from sprouting up because it prevents weeds from getting a foothold on the surface where they can grow freely without competition from other plants nearby.
Install drip irrigation for more efficient use of water every time it rains or gets cloudy after sundown without watering again until dry weather returns next day on schedule.
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